Join us on January 28th as we plan our vision for 2021!
Get ready to get inspired by our guest speakers and with our attendees! Create or add to a vision board or journal while attending or jot down ideas to make one later.
Guest speakers include:
Cheryl Sanchez
Patricia Matos
Tanya Perez
Monica Martinez-Hess
Jacqueline Acevedo-Villanueva
To make a vision board/vision journal, you can start fresh or build off one made previously. Vision boards can be made from many materials including paper, poster board, cardboard (all those Amazon boxes put to use!), a bulletin board, or photo frame. For a vision journal you just need a notebook/journal. Gather photos, stickers, printouts, sayings, magazines, etc. Have a glue stick or tape and scissors and a pen/sharpie. For journals have colored pens.
Grab you favorite beverage and join us for a collaborative vision for 2021!
Meeting info below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 5802 2033
Passcode: Vision
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Meeting ID: 831 5802 2033
Passcode: 700300
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